Money Talks


Contact: Kevin Hartshorn

Moravian College


Description:The officers of the Math Society worked with the student investment club to create an event of interest to both mathematics and non-mathematics majors. The event, Money Talks, is an evening teach-in for undergraduates on financial matters that directly impact them. The planners began by distributing a survey in all mathematics classes, to gauge the interest of the student body and raise awareness of the event. The event focuses on such ideas as credit reports, student loan terms, comparing loan offers, and the relative merits of CD and savings accounts.


Resources: Here is a sample survey, to guide the specific topics covered.


Tips for success: Students need to be well-prepared for the event. One of the officers shared his own student loan information with the audience to help parse the terms of the loan. Keep it interactive; based on the presentation, audience members worked through examples provided in the handouts.


Plans for next time: Audience members seemed to appreciate the information and responded well to having it come from fellow students, rather than faculty or staff. Students plan to involve a broader base of members of each student club in the preparation for the evening when they repeat the event.